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Gold and Silver Members; Please get a look at our Coffee Chat about interest and usury. I think that anybody digesting this discussion between Michael Joseph and myself will be developing a tool set that will help comprehend redemption.

We have been seeing it for decades; that when we delegate the authority for the redemption to the teller the redemption “goes through”. More lately I have been espousing how “law” is written for the individual. Even to the point where we might find explanations for paranormal events in a holographic construct, a higher law. […]

A New Consciousness   Many times today we hear folks complaining about the status quo and specifically about their “leadership.”  But consider did the status quo just spontaneously come into existence, or is the effect of the current world condition the result of causes that happened long ago?  Consider the folly of the one who […]

An Old Religion   I have unfortunately noticed recently that quite a few folks are clinging to the “literal interpretations” of Scriptures.  While I do not dismiss the literal translations, I however do not dwell upon them.  This position of mine angers many peoples who cling desperately to their religions.  However St. Paul reflects that […]

THE LOST WORD   In times past I have heard all sorts of discourse concerning a “lost word” and for years this concept plagued me for it immediately begs secret knowledge that was once known but then lost due to ineptness or for other reasons. But recently, upon considering the right to refuse to contract, […]

EXPLORING A NAME   Many today go to the courts and leave the courthouse wondering where did the train come from that just ran them over.   It is our goal within this website to try to alleviate some of that confusion. Part of the confusion is oriented around the “name” in which the man or […]

The Bride and the Wedding Guests Have you ever wondered why the Holy Scriptures declare the following: So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests. …For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew 22:10 […]

IDENTITY Many people today go about their daily lives and they hardly stop to consider how precious identity is and for that matter how it is formed. Without getting too philosophical consider for a moment the “problem of identity”. Let us imagine that you and I have met and we determine that we want to […]

Has Government Become God?   Whilst observing the political scene and reflecting on what seems to be bias in the lack of coverage of the only Constitutionalist, Ron Paul… I observed within myself the following thought:“If we could just fix that, everything would be all right”. I notice the different “sides” squaring off over the “loss” […]

We the People Have you ever wondered about the words “We the People of the United States”? I know I have. As a boy my civics teacher informed me that I was one of those people. That I was a member of that particular society of Special Interests. What saddened me was the day I […]