

The Bronze Subscription allows free access to the Member Forum to give you a ‘peek’ under the hood of our site. You may also see and make comments on our public blog, access our Scripture, Off Grid and Health Forums and Libraries as well as receive our quarterly newsletter.

To join, fill out the form below with a valid email address, and you will receive a verification email from us with a confirmation link.  Follow the link in the email to complete your signup process.  After you confirm your valid email address, by clicking the link, you may select a username and password to access the site.


Fill in the following details to verify your email address. You will be able to register for an account after the verification.


You must complete the verification process outlined in
the Verification Email before you can access the site!

PLEASE NOTE [ Very Important ]:

  • To sign up this site requires a valid working email address.
  • You must complete the verification process outlined in the Verification Email before you can access the site.
  • Be sure to check your spam folder as your email client may have erroneously flagged the Verification Email as spam.
  • To upgrade your free membership you must login using the email address you provided at signup, when you upgrade while logged in you can choose to use a different PayPal address for payment or elect to use PayPal’s pay with a credit or debit card option. The software will then apply the payment to the correct membership account when using this method.
  • Use of Prepaid Debit Cards is permitted, if your prepaid debit card is registered in your name and address you can use it to pay for PayPal subscriptions that renew annually.
  • Read the About Us, Disclosure Policy, Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use Agreement of the website. It is part of the membership contract that you “know exactly” what you are becoming involved with here at Myrtle Tree Solutions and We do not accept new members that have not read and understood the foregoing agreements.
  • Due to variable internet traffic demands, PayPal processing requirements or other factors beyond the control of Myrtle Tree Solutions and, it may take as long as 24 to 48 hours before you can access your subscription or subscription upgrade.

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